Friday, October 28, 2011

The NEW! GoPro HERO 2 HD Camera

GoPro has come out with a new and improved action sports digital camera and it's called the HERO 2. As you can see in the video above this new camera is back with avengence and is ready for all the craziest and wildest adventures your willing to take it on. The GoPro HERO camera was first introduced to capture footage of action sports and to see things no one else has ever seen before. For the first time a person who has never surfed before can see what it looks like inside of a barrel. Or you can see a birds eye view of an Indy race car going 200 MPH!

The future of sports is without a doubt among us. The levels of progression amongst the sports of today are rising every hour of every day. Surfing alone has progressed so much in the last 5 years that the judging in contests don't know how to judge the tricks surfers can do. All of this progression is due to the media, the ability to go out and perform and then see footage on the big screen and learn how do even better. With tools like the GoPro HERO 2 camera, theres no telling what the future of sports will look like. We are litterally taking science and mixing it with sports and creating jaw dropping, awe inspiring performances.

Whether you are an aspiring film director or an up and coming sponsored athlete, you need to invest in yourself and get this new camera. The GoPro HERO 2 HD Camera is leading the way in how sports are seen on the screen. People are no longer interested in watching exciting sports from a distance, they want to be right in there with the action. Soon all of your favorite football players will have a GoPro camera on their helmet just so you can sit at home at watch as they score the game winning touch down.

How awesome would it be to capture yourself doing what you love and then seeing it on a T.V. screen! You could attract the attention of sponsors and investors and even land yourself on the dream team of your life. The GoPro HERO 2 Camera is the answer to all action sports activities and is the only way to get your name, and your footage out for the world to see.

Interested in getting your hands on this new awesome camera? Solved that problem for you with this direct link to Amazon. ----------------------------------------------------------------->>>>

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